Tuesday, May 2, 2017

TO-DO list!!!

Things that need to be done now:

Neck-it:  ordered or in hand, renders completed
Rolling stone: Stones obtained, print ready to be cast OR ordered in metal OR ready to be molded
Selfie brooch:  Scans collected, brooch back digitized, brooch back polished, finished, setting strategized, Type of print figured out
Blog: 50 posts! 

From the syllabus
"Technically, each project is equal to 20% of your grade (three projects and sketchbook/Blog, four total =80%). The last 20% is determined by your commitment to in-class work, your demonstrated interest in the subject, enthusiasm, and degree of artistic experimentation. Other factors include the quality of your samples and sketchbook, timely completion of projects, and attendance record."

Things that need to be done:

Finishing all projects
Renders of all projects
3D printing (final day to print in house is MAY 18th 5PM)
Sculpting in Zbrush
Coloring parts
Final designs
Research on the blogs


Mask extrusion

Slice tool
Ctrl>shift>SliceCruve> (hold down shift to reposition or alt to change to curve)CRTL+SHIFT click on object to select>Geometry>Modify topology>del hidden>close holes


Ctrl>shift>SliceCruve> (hold down shift to reposition or alt to change to curve)CRTL+SHIFT click on object to select>Geometry>Dynamesh>Groups> delhidden>

Lay down geometry.  Make dynamesh
Hold down ALT to insert submesh>Click and drag, before releasing the mouse button let go of ALT and press the space bar to move the submesh.
Go to DYNAMESH>CREATESHELL Use shell thickness to create a wall thickness

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